
“Of Aristotle and the Way We Live Now” [Interview by Andrew Brown]. The Independent, March 23, 1989.

Interview With Alasdair MacIntyre. [Interview by Thomas D. Pearson] Kinesis, 20 (1994), 34–47.

Reprinted in Kinesis 23 (1996), 40–50.

An Interview With Alasdair MacIntyre” [Interview by Gordon Reddiford and William Watts Miller]. Cogito 5 (1991), 67–73.

Reprinted in (1) Kelvin Knight, ed., The MacIntyre Reader (University of Notre Dame Press, 1998), 267–275; (2) Andrew Pyle, ed. Key Philosophers in Conversation: The Cogito Interviews (Routledge, 1999), 75–84.

“Nietzsche or Aristotle?” [Interview by Giovanna Borradori]. Giovanna Borradori, ed. The American Philosopher: Conversations With Quine, Davidson, Putnam, Nozick, Danto, Rorty, Cavell, MacIntyre, and Kuhn (University of Chicago Press, 1994).

Wahre Selbsterkenntnis durch Verstehen unserer selbst aus der Perspektive anderer” [Interview by Dmitri Nikulin]. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 44 (1996), 671–683.

Russian translation in Voprosy Filosofii 1 (1996), 91–100.

The Illusion of Self-Sufficiency” [Interview by Alex Voorhoeve]. Alex Voorhoeve, Conversations on Ethics (Oxford University Press, 2009), 111–131.

Interview with Alasdair MacIntyre. [Interview by Liam Kavanagh] Expositions 6:2 (2012), 1–8.

The Meaning of Philosophy as a Practice” [Interview by Andrius Bielskis] in Andrius Bielskis, Apie Filosofijos Ir Meno Prasmę (Vilnius: Mykolo Romerio Universitetas, 2015).


The Only Vote Worth Casting in November,” Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture, 2004.